Being A Part of the Elite “Founders” Club

I write a lot in my blog about the challenges of a startup company, but there are some amazing things that come out of launching a business whether it is a successful business or not.

Here is a list of things I’m proud that I get to say:

  1. I am the Founder and CEO.
  2. I landed 6-figure deals with major corporate sponsors as a first-time business.
  3. I was on national broadcast television and every major publication locally and nationally.
  4. I can google my name and see articles about my career achievements.
  5. I made ½ million in revenue.
  6. I led a company that grew to 35 staff members.
  7. Thousands of people paid to see what I created.
  8. I paved the way for others.
  9. I did it, I did what most people are too scared to do.
  10. I was ballsy enough to go all in on my business.
  11. I pushed my limits to the max.
  12. I know what I am capable of.
  13. No obstacle is too great.
  14. I’ve been through the ringer.
  15. I’m free of the “what ifs” that plague innovators’ heads that don’t go for it.
  16. I’m a badass boss babe.

What are you proud to say about your business ventures?? Let me know!

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